Technologies, tools, and other things I use to build software and stay productive.
Improving my workflow and productivity.
I have been working with Python since 2023 mostly using FastAPI as a backend for Generative AI powered applications.
Apollo Server
Apollo is a well documented GraphQL Server with a great community. They offer free certifications and training. I earned the Graph Developer Professional certification in January 2023 and the Graph Developer Associate certificate in May 2022.
A faster alternative to Node.js that's built upon JavaScriptCore 'the performance-minded JS engine built for Safari.'
Love it or hate it we use JS everyday.
Describe your data. Ask for what you want. Get predictable results.
A React framework that includes server-side rendering, static page generating, and so much more.
I have been working with Node.js since 2017 and I use it every single day in some capacity.
For relational databases, I prefer Postgres. It's fast, reliable, and has a great community.
I have been working with React since 2017 and it's my go-to for a library single page application.
For caching, I prefer Redis. It's fast, reliable, and has a great community.
Ruby on Rails
I have be been working with Rails since 2023 and primarily use it for rapid API development.
Tailwind CSS
I have been working with Tailwind since 2023 and it's really grown on me once I got over the verbosity.
It is a great way to catch bugs before they happen. Sometimes the type system can be a bit of a pain but it's worth it.
Development tools
I used to use VS Code but now I use Cursor as my IDE. It turns you from a Developer to a Developer Manager who reviews code rather than writes it. I pay for the Business License because it has zero data retention so client data is secure.
I use ChatGPT as a Pair Programmer who can validate ideas, offer suggestions, and help me write the code I don't want to write.
If it doesn't come with a Dockerfile then I will make one. I don't miss the world of 'it works on my machine' at all.
I host all of my open source projects on GitHub.
NVM (Node Version Manager)
I use NVM to manage my Node.js versions.
RVM (Ruby Version Manager)
I use RVM to manage my Ruby versions.
Cursor (formally I used VS Code)
Here is a list of my extensions:
- Code Spell Checker
I use this to catch typos in my code, comments, and Markdown files.
- colorize
This extension colorizes CSS colors in my code with a [] beside them.
- ESLint
I use this to lint my JavaScript and TypeScript code.
- ERB Formatter
This extension formats my ERB files for Ruby on Rails view development.
- GitHub Copilot
I use this to help me write code faster.
- GitLens -- Git supercharged
GitLens tells me who wrote each line of code and when.
- GraphQL: Syntax Highlighting
This extension highlights GraphQL syntax in my .graphql files.
- Import Cost
This extension shows me the size of each import in my code.
This extension provides syntax highlighting for MDX files.
- MDX Preview
This extension provides a preview of my MDX files.
- Prettier - Code formatter
I use this to format my code. It is extremely useful when a team is working on a project and the formatting is enforced.
- Pretty TypeScript Errors
This extension makes TypeScript errors easier to read.
- Ruby
This extension provides syntax highlighting for Ruby files.
- Rufo - Ruby formatter
This extension formats my Ruby code.
- Sort lines
This extension sorts lines of code. I like to keep json and imports alphabetized and this helps.
- Svg Preview
This extension provides a preview of my SVG files.
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
This extension provides Tailwind CSS class name completion and hovering shows the equivalent CSS style.
- Template String Converter
If you type ${} in quotes, this extension will convert it to a template string.
- VSCode Ruby
This extension also helps provides syntax highlighting for Ruby files.
- Code Spell Checker